Tova - Ania Karpowicz, Marta Śniady, Nina Fukuoka, Aleksandra Kaca, Teoniki Rożynek

Photo by Sho Ogushi

Nina Fukuoka

Draws inspiration from pop-culture, multilingualism, horror literature and sciencefiction. Hence the Internet objets trouvés often used in her works.

(…) Fukuoka is able to say something very personal and direct with her music, which is an undeniable asset in the age of all-objectifying technology and digital saturation.
(Krzysztof Stefański, Ruch Muzyczny)

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Marta Śniady

Believes that new music is an important tool of social discourse, which means that she does not consider her field as an art of sound but seeks multi-layered meanings, references and links.

Bio & interview

Aleksandra Kaca

In her work, she focuses primarily on color. Her interests are focused on blending different musical genres. She is a composer as well as a songwriter.

Bio & interview

Teoniki Rożynek

In her works, emphasis is placed on electronic sound design. She plays with the perception of the audience and uses “damaged” sounds as her tool.

Bio & interview

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